This week's title is Fallen by Lauren Kate being released December 8, 2009.
It’s only when she sees Daniel, a gorgeous fellow student, that Luce feels there’s a reason to be here—though she doesn’t know what it is. And Daniel’s frosty cold demeanor toward her? It’s really a protective device that he’s used again . . . and again. For Daniel is a fallen angel, doomed to fall in love with the same girl every 17 years . . . and watch her die. And Luce is a fellow immortal, cursed to be reincarnated again and again as a mortal girl who has no idea of who she really is. -From Goodreads
While I am not necessarily a huge fan of romance, there is something about this one that calls to me. I love paranormal things, so fallen angels are definitely up my avenue. But the way that Luce is brought to Sword & Cross is what caught my attention at first. Death is a hard subject matter to broach, especially when it is someone young and close to you. The premise sounds fascinating and I'm excited to have my hands on a copy! I have an extra that is up in my contest. Check it out here!
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