Again I got a lot of books this week! I'm so excited for everything. I am hoping to get my reading speed back up as I've been kind of pokey for a little while.
Sticky Fingers by Burnham
Because I Am Furniture by Chaltas
Incarceron by Fisher
How to Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation by Simone Elkeles
Why I Fight by Oaks
Breathless by Warman
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Albatross by Bloss
Storm Glass by Maria Snyder
Investigating Firefly and Serenity : Science Fiction on the Frontier by Cochran
I have a slight obsession with this saga (as it was a show and then later a movie) and am intrigued by it. My husband and I will be sharing this book. :D
Well, that's everything. What did you get?
P.S. I've decided this year that I'm going to do at least one (if not two) HUGE contests to give away many of the books I've collected. The majority will be 2010 releases. My question is, what should I do? Should I do a traditional "form" contest, have people submit something, or just choose random followers at random times? What would you do?
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