I was a bit confused as we arrived about 5 minutes late, but I figured I would just miss the introduction. Imagine my surprise to see Maggie taking questions from the audience. After that she simply signed books. It was over and done with in 15 minutes, but that's where the fun just started.
After getting my books signed, I took a seat and waited for everyone to file through the line to see if there was going to be anything else afterward. I picked up on a conversation nearby and discovered fellow book bloggers S.F. Robertson from Wastepaper Prose and Monica from Bibliophilic Book Blog. These ladies are wonderful and their sites are amazing. Check them out if you get a chance. After chatting with them for a few minutes and after the line dissipated, we all moved up closer to just hang out and chat with Maggie. She was signing stock and book plates and then just wanted to chat.
She regaled us with stories of airport mishaps (I'm sorry ma'am, we need to scan your sketch book three more times, just in case there's something funny with the buckle) and information on her upcoming international trips and book ideas. Don't worry, she didn't give away anything she was supposed to, but we did enjoy debating the merits of zombie stories with her. I even got her to draw a wolf in my book after seeing her quickly sketch one in the a stock book. ------------------------------------->>
After a rousing afternoon of jokes, laughter, and general misbehavior, it was time to part. We all went on our merry ways, hoping to meet again some time. I have to say that of all the signings I have been to, this one was the most informal and most fun. Don't get me wrong I love that at most signings we hear about the books, have a passage read, and then get to ask questions before getting our books signed; this was just different. I really enjoyed it and had a blast. I can't wait to go to my next one. If anyone knows of any author signings around NC, just let me know.
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