Threads and Flames by Esther M. Friesner on November 25th. We all know I'm a pretty big sucker for historical fiction & this one covers a little-discussed topic. As time passes we seem to forget the impact that many major historical events had on the people of that time period & how it influenced today's world. This book reminds us about one such event.

It's 1910, and thirteen-year-old Raisa has just traveled alone from a small Polish shtetl all the way to New York City. It's overwhelming, awe-inspiring, and even dangerous, especially when she discovers that her sister has disappeared and she must now fend for herself. She finds work in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory sewing bodices on the popular shirtwaists. Raisa makes friends and even--dare she admit it?--falls in love. But then 1911 dawns, and one March day a spark ignites in the factory. One of the city's most harrowing tragedies unfolds, and Raisa's life is forever changed. . . .One hundred years after the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, this moving young adult novel gives life to the tragedy and hope of this transformative event in American history.
From Amazon
How amazing does that sound? I could just devour this book right now! I'm glad it's only a few short weeks away and I'm really hoping that this book succeeds. Spread the word! What are you waiting on this week?
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