Christy Dorrity of Dearest Dreams put together an wonderful cookbook of recipes to go along with popular YA books. There are recipes to compliment Shiver, The False Princess, and Before I Fall just to name a few. We start off with the book jacket description, then move into the explanation of why the recipe goes with the book, the recipe itself, & then blurbs about the book from book bloggers. There is a total of 25 book bloggers featured, including some personal favorites like Parajunkee's View & Mundie Moms.
The recipes in this book are quite easy to follow & taste really yummy! While I do not prefer the book layout (there is A LOT of white space), it's a fun book. I really wish it was a hard copy that I could put on my cookbook shelf. The blogger's notes on the books are also quite eloquent & add a little something extra to the cookbook.
All in all, I had fun reading this one & diving into the recipes. My personal favorite is the Fablehaven -based Fairy Touched Calico Brownies. Something about mint & chocolate is so yummy! Be sure to check out the other stops on the 2011 Book Blogger's Cookbook blog tour for your chance to win a Kindle or a copy of this awesome book! Don't forget to stop by the 2011 Book Blogger's Cookbook official site either. All the pertinent information can be found there!
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