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Winners & Blogiversary Recap

Congratulations to all the recent winners!

Linger winner: Asenath R. (the book is being sent from the publisher, so it may take a bit, but it will arrive!)

Blogiversary winners:
Ashley S. - Chose Clockwork Angel
Angelique D.- Chose Personal Demons
Fiona C.- Chose Before I Fall
Lana S.- Will be receiving a book from my stash

THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who participated in the giveaways, comments, and discussions that I have had on my blog. Just to recap what we have accomplished here in the last year:

288 Posts (not too shabby for a first-time blogger)
7 Authors Interviewed (wow, was it really that many?)
5 Contests/Giveaways completed (including the two above; I think I should try to do more!)

Things I have learned:
  • I read more at my old job, than I get to read at home now.
  • I cannot force myself to read a book I don't like and I shouldn't try.
  • Reading challenges aren't really my thing, unless the books I read are already in the category.
  • I really enjoy writing my own story synopsis.
  • I love the book community & my readers.
  • My friends and family are far more supportive than I could have imagined.
  • I'm pretty decent at this! :D
So there you have it folks, 365 days in one post. I hope you have all enjoyed the ride as much as I have and I hope that we can continue on this journey together for quite some time to come.


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