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11.11.11 date

Everyone wonders whats so special about 11.11.11? For certain reasons even a movie has been made with the same title(11.11.11)in hollywood. This movie has only strange and horrific happenings to offer and is all set to create panic and fear amongst cinemagoers. 

So many questions has been raised asking wheather this once-in-a century configuration of 11.11.11 warn us of some dire consequences? Is it more than just a date? Do we need to take any precautionary measures?

On this day 11.11.11, the planets are about to change their positions in a big way. Mars will go opposite Neptune and Chiron and Mercury conjuncts Venus. For the first time in 30 years, Saturn will move into its exalted position in Libra and will remain there until November 2014. During this period, Librans have something to gain as they will learn some important lessons in their relationships with their loved ones, friends, work colleagues and business partners.

Try to keep your temper in check as political, economical and psychological situations will make your head spin and you will be one confused person. Things could go from bad to worse and you may tend to go violent. If you could remain calm even under such situations, you truly are a winner.

This is the time when you have to take a wise decision. Do not rush while making a decision; think it through thoroughly. Delays may happen so never expect results too soon. Get ready to confront all the challenges thrown upon you. Remember the saying ‘no risk, no gain’.

But is it only challenges and distress that you will experience on 11.11.11? 11 is a Master Number. This number is about taking initiative to build a solid foundation for the future. It denotes harmony, home, and healing.

This number indicates a special path which you need to follow. There will be huge expectations from you and you can become an inspiring figure for someone, as you possess excessive amount of energy and your intuitions are generally bang on. You will search for truth; spiritualism will attract you. Your leadership and creative skills will get reflected during this time. So, Heads up! 


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