Today's book is Albatross by Josie Bloss and is set to be released on February 1, 2010.
What's so cool about nice guys?
Everyone at Tess's new school warns her that Micah is bad news—a heartbreaker. But she can't ignore her attraction to this brooding, brilliant, friendless emo hottie who can turn on the charm—or heart-shredding scorn—at a moment's notice. Starting over in a new town after her parents' split isn't easy for Tess, and Micah feels like her first real connection. But what happens when their bond suddenly feels like shackles? And Micah starts to remind Tess of her freakishly controlling father?
From Goodreads
So, this sounds absolutely enthralling. I found the father/boyfriend dynamic mentioned in the summary attractive. There is an old saying that "girls want to date boys who remind them of their fathers" and I am wondering if this book will analyze that aspect. I don't want to go all Freudian with it or read too much into it before I actually get to read the book, but I think it will be fascinating to watch unfold.
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