Haden is all smolder & no pomp. In her dreams his words beg her to go back to her world, but his heart & eyes plead with her to stay. By day, he appears flippant & indifferent to her. Despite his divergent behaviors, Theia feels consummately drawn to him. She wants to defy her father & fulfill her own wishes, but Haden is definitely hiding something. Despite protests to the contrary, and her own conscience screaming "bad idea", Theia falls under...
So, this was different. I must admit that I only read about half of this book because I became so disinterested in the characters & subject matter. Honestly, I was kind of put off from the beginning when a burning man is described in detail & then creepy ghouls & figures are sprinkled throughout Theia's dream world with Haden. Something about this whole thing just didn't sit right with me. Maybe had I pressed forward there would have been an adequate explanation, but I just couldn't force myself to do it.
I felt like this was one of a thousand other "paranormal" books that have popped into existence with a meek "heroine", a mysterious, brooding heartthrob, & vapid friends. Honestly, the three main friends had less girl drama than I am accustomed to in these kinds of books, but I was appalled at some of the other things they went on & on about.
If you like traditional, run of the mill paranormal YA books, then this should fit the bill. For me it was just a big let down.
What did you think about it? Did I just not make it far enough to appreciate the overarching storyline?
Provided by Around the World Tours
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