My son AnquanJaden was born at 25 weeks. He was born Oct. 15,2010 and was due Jan. 24,2011. He weighed 1lb 15ozs, at his lowest he went to 1lb. 7ozs. My husband and I were so excited about having our first son together. I was going to the doctor twice a week because I have high blood pressure problems but the baby was fine. Well October 10, I went to my ob/gyn because I was having bad pains they said everything was fine. The following Thursday I was getting ready to leave the house, I thought I went to the bathroom on myself because it wasn't a gush like the other times, so I never thought it was my water breaking. The following morning I was sick and throwing up and thought that was why I was cramping. My oldest child and I went to Walmart and went to the bathroom. When I wiped I felt something sticking out of me, I thought it was an arm well it was really his leg I ran out screaming and crying.
I got to the hospital; my son was breech and they did an emergency c-section. When they pulled him out he was crying and that was the best day of my life. I got to hold his hand before they shipped him a hour away to a hospital with a NICU. The following evening the doctor called to talk to me and she said that he wasn't going to make it through the night because he was bleeding badly into his lungs. Most people stay 3 days after a c-section I was out in a day so I could spend what the doctors thought was his last few hours. I just prayed and cried.
The next day they did another x-ray and couldn't figure where the blood had went. The next few months was crazy, from having a little blood around his brain to him getting a staph infection. We were praying he would be home by Christmas; but we thank God he wasn't, because Dec.26 after being off the breathing machine for almost a month he had a bad Brady spell where they almost lost him. They re-tubed him and everything.
Not even a month later, almost a week before his due date, he was coming home Jan.18 weighing 6lbs 3 ozs. He is doing great at 5 months and a little over 10lbs, although he now has Bronchiolitis and RSV, I'm so thankful and blessed that God allowed me to get to know great doctors and nurses and trusted me enough to be a great mom to a wonder micro preemie miracle
We want to thank Holly for sharing her story with all of us at Preemie Prints and wish continued success and good health for little Anquan Jaden now and in the future.
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