As someone who works mostly in YA in the public libraries, I get asked a lot if something is "appropriate" for their children. If I know the book, I'll ask them what they're concerned about and then tell them how this book reflects their concerns or I'll just give them the basic rundown of any "questionable" content. This can be tricky because I don't want to discourage reading and I don't want to lose the trust of either the child or the parent, but I feel that there are somethings that some readers just aren't prepared for yet. Although, as a teen myself, I always found a way around my parents to read what I wanted and I'm sure these kids are doing the same thing.
I really do hate being put in these positions most of the time because I feel it's awkward for everyone involved. Then again, sometimes I think it is warranted and needed. I mean, I had a woman bring in her 8-year-old daughter to get some books and the child wanted: Twilight, The Clique, and The Last Song. She wasn't really worried about the content of the first two (!!) but when I mentioned that the last one is actually an adult book, she looked surprised and asked, "Well do you think it's inappropriate?" I was shocked for about 2 secs as to why the child even wanted the book and how I should respond, until she reminded me "We're going to see the movie with Miley Cyrus this weekend." I told the mother a basic run down and explained that the book really is intended for older teen and adult audiences. What's happened to kids wanting to read what's made for them? I mean, just because Miley Cyrus stars in the movie version of a book, does NOT mean that your Miley fan should read it!! Give her Hannah Montana books, those are on her level. Luckily this mother at least asked and then took my advice by not getting the book for her daughter; but I'm sure there are so many more parents who don't even ask.
This dilemma also extends to my blog as well. I write this blog for my teens, to give them a resource to look to for book related news, reviews, and information. So what should I include? My theory is, if I wouldn't recommend it at the library, then it probably shouldn't go on my blog. I try to have a decent mixture of books ranging from boy-centered to girl-centered, books to graphic novels, fantasy to realistic fiction. There is something for everyone and I hope I am doing a decent job of representing as many as I can. I don't think that there should be warning labels or a rating system on book content, but I try to be open-minded about what should be included so that I don't just shut something out. I believe in the poster that is at the top of this post very much and I really hope that I am keeping in line with it's message.
Thanks for listening and let me know what you think is "appropriate." I mean, where is the line drawn? Drugs, sex, violence, I don't even know. Some of the best books would be tossed if these were taken out, but I think they can serve a purpose if used correctly.
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