As one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Famine is learning to deal with her powers while trying to stay out of the way of the ever-itching-for-a-fight War. Where ever Lisabeth goes, she brings pain & misery. Suffering has become who she is. Or was it part of her all along? Needless to say, Lisabeth is struggling to control her personal demons & understand her role as Famine. Can she balance her life & her job? Or will she lose it all to hunger?
This was a phenomenal book! I cannot even begin to speak highly enough of it. Jackie Morse Kessler has brought a form of Christian mythology to the forefront of the YA genre. Lisabeth is one of the more compelling & discerning characters that I have read of late. How appropriate is it that a girl who chooses to starve herself must dole out the pain & suffering of famine to those who would never wish it upon anyone? It's very cathartic & emotionally draining.
What I really enjoyed about this book are the interactions between the characters. Death is one funny guy! Such a smart ass, he reminds me a lot of Tod from the Soul Screamers series. Watching Lisabeth struggle with her anorexia, trying to hide her condition from her friends & family, & then see her take such control of her powers is very stirring. I think Kessler handled this subject with the same care as the likes of Ellen Hopkins.
I must say, I can't imagine having missed out on this book & I truly hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. Let me know what you think & be sure to keep an eye out for the April 18th release of Rage, the second book in the series.
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