Does anyone else remember Roald Dahl books? I think his books were turned into some of the best kids movies! Between Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, and The Witches this man was on a rampage of popularity! Roald Dahl was born on September 13, 1916 in Llandaff, Cardiff, Wales, The United Kingdom. He lived a full life, from working for Shell to fighting in a war, and finally to writing his beloved books & short stories. A wonderfully imaginative author who strived to give the best experience to children as he could manage, Dahl is an inspiration to future children's novelists.
Below I am featuring just three of my favorite novels by this prolific author.

This scary, but witty story about real witches starts off with an orphaned boy going on a vacation to a nice hotel with his grandmother. While playing around the boy happens to overhear the witches secret new plan during one of their meetings. As punishment for being nosy & hearing their plans, the witches turn him into a mouse. Now, with the help of his grandmother & his friend Bruno the boy has to put a stop to the witches' dastardly plan & find a way to become a boy again. If that's all possible.
This book was so different from other books about witches! While these women really were hag-like & cruel, they were beyond the normal means of evil. The description of their gnarled hands & bald heads stuck with me for years! I was sure that one day I was going to come across one of these witches & be so fortunate as to be able to identify her. What a fun read with compelling main characters.

Sophie isn't sure what to think of the BFG when he snatches her from her cozy bed in London & carries her off to giant land. Fortunately for her, the BFG isn't like the other giants, preferring to eat snozzcumbers rather than little boys & girls. He actually blows sweet dreams in through children's windows while they sleep. Determined to calm the other giants' insatiable appetites, the unlikely duo set off to enlist the help of the Queen.
Such an enchanting story about unique friendships, overcoming adversities, & perseverance, The BFG is a wonderful tale. Not to mention Dahl really stretches his imagination with his vocabulary. Truly magnificent!

Matilda was such a precocious little girl. unluckily born into a family of swindlers & lay-abouts, this cunning & charming little girl discovers that she has amazing abilities. Her mental capabilities range from intelligence & wittiness to telekinesis. Finally allowed to attend school, Matilda uses her powers to protect the meek & fight off the evil Mrs. Trunchbull.
I loved Matilda so much! This little girl never failed to inspire me. She is such a resilient child despite being put down every way imaginable. This book was my first introduction to paranormal abilities in everyday people. And look at my reading tastes now! :)
I truly hope that you've enjoyed this little foray into Roald Dahl's world. Which one of his books was your favorite?
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