Eden honestly never expected to fall for anyone like she fell for Az. He was just so much more than she ever thought possible. He's kind, understanding, soothing, firey & entrancing all at once. It's all golden until he reveals his true nature... and his wings. Az is one of the fallen angels. He constantly struggles with his punishment & Eden is just a part of that struggle.
When Eden has to face a reality without Az, she takes matters into her own hands & gives up her life to the ocean. So begins Eden's perpetual state of limbo in the centuries' old battle for angelic control between heaven & hell. Now she must navigate a new world where she's unsure who she can trust & face the dire magnitude of her decisions. To love or not... if only it were that easy.
I have to say that this was a very interesting book. While I've enjoyed other angelic fiction books that have been written of late, this one seemed to strike a cord with me. It's one thing to fall in love with a fallen angel & another thing entirely to commit suicide over him & be forced into a battle that you have no real knowledge of.
Eden was quite a compelling character. I really felt like I understood her struggles & emotions while she was tossing about in the chaos of her new "life." Intense would be the best way to describe what she was going through & I think Leah Clifford really got that through to the reader without using heavy-handed phrasing. Also, the mythology behind why Eden became what she did & what her place was in the fight was very fascinating.
While at times I felt that this book was overly dramatic (I blame the hormones that are coursing though ALL the characters), it flowed well with the story. Truly, if you're looking for a provocative angelic read, then this is your go to book. Bravo!
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