Waiting on Wednesday recognizes that we as bookies pine for books. This post is about what I am impatiently waiting for right now. It was started by Jill at
Breaking the Spine.
I really liked the first book in Maria Snyder's new series,
Inside Out, so you can imagine my pleasure at having the sequel,
Outside In, being featured here on Waiting on Wednesday. It's scheduled to make its debut on February 15th.
Fair warning though, if you haven't read the first book, then there are spoilers ahead!Me?
A Leader? Okay, I did prove that there's more to Inside than we knew. That a whole world exists beyond this cube we live in. And finding that led to a major rebellion - between worker scrubs like me and the snobby uppers who rule our world. Make that ruled. Because of me, we're free. I thought that meant I was off the hook, and could go off on my own again - while still touching base with Riley, of course. He's the one upper I think I can trust. But then we learned that there's outside and then there is Outside. And something from Outside wants In.From
GoodreadsHow dazzling is that blurb? It gives you just enough detail, without revealing too much, & practically has me salivating to find out what wants In!! I think Maria Snyder has her work cut out for her & I am really looking forward to continuing on this journey with our "fearless leader" Trella. What are you waiting on this week?
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