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Preemie Prints NICU Grad Photo Shoot: Baby Olivia

Our organization with our volunteers, is so blessed to be able to give these amazing gifts to so many families. Please enjoy some inspiration from the NICU. We pray this baby girl is home soon. 

A note from Olivia's mom: 
Olivia was born in Rochester NY at only 23 weeks/3 days and weighed 1 pound 2 ounces. She spent 131 days in the NICU before discharge. 

When asked to describe her NICU journey a little bit she said it was a long physically, emotionally draining roller coaster ride. That they had good days and bad days, but thanks to the wonderful nurses and neonatologists their little girl was given great care. 

Volunteer Photographer: Carla Schuyler - Clyde, NY

A note from our volunteer:
"Baby O has a remarkable story. Her mother was 20 weeks pregnant when her water broke. The doctors came in and told her to prepare for a stillbirth and that they would prepare the medication. Of course, the parents were devastated. A nurse that they consider their guardian angel came in and told them that there was hope and gave them a chance to think about whether or not to go ahead with the pregnancy termination. They decided to try to wait it out and the neonatal fellow came in and did an ultrasound and determined there was more amniotic fluid than they expected. The attending physician was consulted and though they said there was a chance, they gave all the statistics as to the bad outcomes that were likely. But these parents had faith and decided to try to keep the baby baking. They were able to hold off delivery for 3 more weeks and Baby O was born at 23 weeks and 3 days. She spent 100+ days in the NICU. (I want to say that mom said 132 days, but I could be off as I was only taking mental notes as she shared their story.) Surely God was watching over this sweet baby! Just look at how perfect she is!"

Visit Carla's blog to see a few more pictures and read more! 

And now the beautiful pictures. These pictures are property of Preemie Prints, our volunteer photographers, and our families. Please do not use for any purpose


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