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Book Blogger Hop (6) & Follow My Book Blog (3)

Hello again from the Book Blogger Hop & Follow My Book Blog hop! This is a weekly get-together so that we can showcase our blogs and discover new ones!

NEW part of the Book Blogger Hop ~ Crazy Question:
What's my name and why did I start blogging?
My name is Laura and I'm a Young Adult programmer in the public library. I started blogging as a way to put my book thoughts out for others to enjoy. I really wanted to be a resource for my teens about what's going on in the book world, especially when there are events going on specifically for them. And if that's not reason enough, people always as me for book recommendations and now I can just point them to one, online resource. :)

I review mostly YA books with a definite slant towards paranormal/fantasy & realistic fiction. Historical fiction & prose work occasionally pique my interest as well. This week I reviewed The Last Song & posted A Door Near Here in my Nostalgic Friday feature. Be sure to look around, follow if you like, check out my reading challenge or grab my button! Comments are a pleasure too, so fire away!!

I'm planning a giveaway for my blogiversary on 7/30/2010. If I get 200 followers it will be 1 book, I've made 200!! That means there is guaranteed at least ONE book for a lucky follower. If I get 225 it will become 2 books, and so on (one extra book per 25). The winner will be randomly drawn from my followers. Good luck!

Blogger Hop Parajunkee's Book Blogger Follow


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