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Bringing in the Loot

This is part of the In My Mailbox series hosted by The Story Siren. This meme allows book bloggers around the web to showcase what awesomeness we bought, swapped, borrowed, or got this week. Check out my loot below!

I have been very good and haven't bought any books in a few weeks because of my tight living quarters & uber-tight budget. But I couldn't resist the dual coupons I had to Borders, so I treated myself to a little retail therapy. Hope you look forward to reading my thoughts and much as I look forward to writing them!

Fallout and Tell Me a SecretReview:
Fallout (Crank #3) by Ellen Hopkins HUGE thanks to Simon & Schuster!!
Tell Me a Secret by Holly Cupala Thanks to Around the World Tours

Forget You and The Grimm LegacyBought:
Forget You by Jennifer Echols
The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman

Glass (Crank #2) by Ellen Hopkins (I'm rereading this since I got Fallout and I want to refresh my memory.)

That is the AMAZINGNESS that was my week. What loot did you score this week?

P.S. You might be able to score more loot for next week by entering my contests at the top of the page or the contests on other blogs on my sidebar. Good luck!


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