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Book Blogger Hop (7) & Follow My Book Blog (4)

Hello again from the Book Blogger Hop & Follow My Book Blog hop! This is a weekly get-together so that we can showcase our blogs and discover new ones!

NEW part of the Book Blogger Hop ~ Crazy Question:
Tell us about some of your favorite authors and why they are your favorites!
Ooo, I love this question. Hmmm... Mary Oliver's poetry inspires me like nothing else ever could. ("Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" ) Shakespeare obviously has a very special place in my heart. Rachel Vincent and Patricia Briggs create the most kick-ass heroines in urban fantasy! Stephen Clarke captures the essence of French life that j'adore plus que la mienne (I love more than mine)! Jennifer Echols & Simone Elekeles's books are amazing and powerful for young adult novels.

I review mostly YA books with a definite slant towards paranormal/fantasy & realistic fiction. Historical fiction & prose work occasionally pique my interest as well. This week I reviewed Paper Towns & posted The Terrorist in my Nostalgic Friday feature. Be sure to look around, follow if you like, check out my reading challenge or grab my button! Comments are a pleasure too, so fire away!!

I'm planning a giveaway for my blogiversary on 7/30/2010. If I get 200 followers it will be 1 book, I've made 200!! That means there is guaranteed at least ONE book for a lucky follower. The winner will be allowed any choice of book under $20 from the Book Despository. If I get 225 it will become 2 books and 2 winners, and so on (one extra book per 25). The winner will be randomly drawn from my followers. Good luck!

Blogger Hop Parajunkee's Book Blogger Follow


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