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Book Blogger Hop (8) & Follow My Book Blog (5)

Hello again from the Book Blogger Hop & Follow My Book Blog hop! This is a weekly get-together so that we can showcase our blogs and discover new ones!

NEW part of the Book Blogger Hop ~ Crazy Question:

Right this instant, what book are you dying to get your hands on (past, present, or future)?

Past: I would love to get an original (like on parchment) copy of The Tempest by Shakespeare

Present: I'm squirming in resistance since there is a long waiting list, to read The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger

Future: It's a toss up between Not That Kind of Girl by Siobhan Vivian, Falling Under by Gwen Hayes, & Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl.

I review mostly YA books with a definite slant towards paranormal/fantasy & realistic fiction. Historical fiction & prose work occasionally pique my interest as well. This week I reviewed No & Me, Guardian of the Dead & posted To Kill a Mockingbird in my Nostalgic Friday feature. Be sure to look around, follow if you like, check out my reading challenge or grab my button! Comments are a pleasure too, so fire away!!

I'm hosting a giveaway for my blogiversary on 7/30/2010. If I get 200 followers it will be 1 book, I've made 200!! I've made 225!! That means there is guaranteed TWO books for TWO lucky followers. The winners will be allowed any choice of book under $20 from the Book Despository. If I get 250 it will become 3 books and 3 winners, and so on (one extra book per 25, up to 3 books; if we keep going after that then it will become mystery ARCs). Go to THIS FORM to enter. Good luck!

Blogger Hop Parajunkee's Book Blogger Follow


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