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Bringing in the Loot

This is part of the In My Mailbox series hosted by The Story Siren. This meme allows book bloggers around the web to showcase what awesomeness we bought, swapped, borrowed, or got this week. Check out my loot below!

Good week this week! I am so lucky to get such wonderful books from all over the place! :)


The Education of Bet by Lauren Baratz-Logsted (from Around the World Tours)
Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick (Thank you so much Simon & Schuster!!)
Virgin Territory by James Lecense (from Around the World Tours)

Glimpse by Carol Lynch Williams (love this cover!!)

So I think I had a fairly good week. Don't forget about the blogiversary giveaway! I now have 225 followers, so there are 2 books up for grabs to 2 lucky followers. Be sure to fill out THIS FORM to be entered to win a book worth up to $20 from the Book Despository. If I continue to gain more followers, there will be more prizes. Ends 7/30.

What loot did you score this week?


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